Poh C. Poh 2 2 silver badges 9 9 bronze badges. This answer seems like the only solution for my sftp. Waiting to test it. IO; using System. Net; using System. Text; namespace Examples. GetBytes sourceStream. Write fileContents, 0, fileContents. Uzay Uzay 7 7 silver badges 16 16 bronze badges. I have observed that - FtpwebRequest is missing. Create ftpurl ; ftpClient. NetworkCredential ftpusername, ftppassword ; ftpClient. UploadFile; ftpClient.
FileInfo fileurl ; ftpClient. Length; System. OpenRead ; System. Length ; rs. Flush ; fs. Close ; rs. StatusDescription; uploadResponse. Kshitij Jhangra Kshitij Jhangra 5 5 silver badges 11 11 bronze badges. Overwrite, false, FtpVerify. Disconnect ;. The Overflow Blog. View All. Kaushik Dudhat Updated date Jul 31, In the above function, we used the dirPath parameter for checking if the directory exists or not.
This function checks if the "Kaushik" folder exists or not on the root path. Next Recommended Reading. Net Core 6. Create A. FileInfo file Dim ftpstream As System. Length Dim reqfile As System. Close ftpstream. Gerald Leesmann Gerald Leesmann 29 1 1 bronze badge. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. The Overflow Blog. Podcast Helping communities build their own LTE networks. Podcast Making Agile work for data science.
Featured on Meta. New post summary designs on greatest hits now, everywhere else eventually. Linked 0. See more linked questions. Related Hot Network Questions. Create uri ; ftpRequest.
ReadLine ; while! Close ; It gave me a list of directories Improve this answer. Uwe Keim Hi, Your code is returning the result in XML format I only want remote system directories because i need to bind that directory names to a treeview. Getting XML will not work for me. Jul 21 where "Swapnil" is the name of the directory. I dont want all other things buddy just name of the directory i have to display in treeview.
I cannot show all these details in treeview. Any suggestions or modifications? ReadToEnd ; streamReader. Close ; — Swapnil Gupta. Try changing ftpRequest. ListDirectory to ftpRequest. PrintWorkDirectory in your code GetResponse ;" — Swapnil Gupta. Iain Ward Iain Ward 9, 4 4 gold badges 31 31 silver badges 41 41 bronze badges. ListDirectory is also listing the results in XML format.