Our people are our greatest strength and the single most critical element in achieving our mission. Every staff member within the Home Affairs Portfolio has a role to play as we focus on our purpose to contribute to the prosperity, security and unity of our nation.
The Department is also participating in centralised stream recruitment, you can apply through APSjobs , and choose the stream s of most interest to you:. For enquiries about the Graduate Development Program email us at entry. Connect with us on Facebook or LinkedIn. Apply here. Producing talking points that might theoretically be uttered by a represented official in response to an unlikely question suddenly feels like penning the opening of the Gettysburg Address. The inculturation also includes the canon of departmental rumours and legends.
Every department, it seems, has its own mythology to explain how some grads go on to achieve the promised land of ''management position by 30'' while others disappear without a trace. Many of these myths include the cautionary tale of the ''bad grad year'', the year where the grads were so unruly that they were tainted universally and were all marked for the Sisyphean torment of an eternal APS5.
Their transgressions often include inappropriate statements made within earshot of authority figures, rampant abuse of the flex system and - in one extreme case - a Minister who was shocked to see the bare legs and midriffs of a number of female grads on the inevitable Parliamentary excursion. Don't be that guy who applied for a first assistant secretary position at the end of his grad year. Try to be more like that guy who got a corner office in his last rotation despite not doing a millisecond of useful work.
Once broken and socialised, the culture really changes. The formerly idealistic young cohort rapidly joins Canberra's favourite pastime: fighting for status. Grads are thrown, Hunger Games -style, into a battle for rotations, seeking career-building weapons such as high-profile taskforces or personal access to department heads and senior executives.
The universal scoring system in this game is your opportunity for work travel Paris being points and Queanbeyan being 1. Inter-departmental rivalries flourish and the grads ameliorate their anxiety about their group with rumours of the hopelessness of other grad groups.
Circulars and memos. Boards and committees. Remuneration tribunals. Public interest disclosure policy. PSC Policy documents. PSC Advisory Board. Our leadership team. Accessing PSC information.
Enquiries and complaints. People Matter Employee Survey. NSW public service talent pools. A visit to Parliament House to view Members of Parliament engage in question time Rotation specific training to provide you with the skills and knowledge to undertake rewarding, exciting and challenging work Meetings with the Graduate Management Team and your experience supervisor to discuss your learning and development needs, career aspirations and performance feedback.
A dedicated Graduate Management Team that will guide and advise you throughout your program. A graduate passport assisting you document your career journey during the 18 months.
Applications closed Closed 10 months ago. Applications closed Save Closed 10 months ago.