If not, you can switch to log in Windows 7 with admin account at first and then run command prompt, or run command prompt with built-in administrator instead. Click Start and type " cmd " in search box, then right-click " cmd.
If you don't know what the Windows 7 user accounts are, type command net user firstly to view all the user accounts. Then change password for specified user account.
For example, if you want to create new password for user "iSunshare", just need to enter command " net user iSunshare newpassword " and press Enter. From then on, when log in Windows 7 with user "iSunshare", you have to enter its new password. While Windows 7 computer cannot start normally, or you just want to run Windows 7 in safe mode to use command prompt, follow this way.
Step 1: Start computer and press F8 while the computer boots up. Then your computer will start in safe mode with command prompt.
Generally, Administrator is disabled and has no password protection by default. So usually you don't need to choose Administrator and enter its password. But if you see, please select Administrator on login screen and enter command prompt. Then Command Prompt will be run as Administrator automatically. Step 4: Reset Windows 7 password with command prompt just like way 1 on accessible computer. If this way still cannot help you to reset Windows 7 password using command prompt because of built-in administrator password forgot, please try way 3 or get effective Windows 7 Password Genius to directly remove Windows 7 forgotten password from locked computer.
If Windows 7 computer is locked, can command prompt be run to reset Windows 7 forgotten password? The answer is yes, but the operation will be a little complicated. Now this way will walk you through how to reset forgotten password with command prompt on locked Windows 7 computer step by step.
Hello guys, In this tutorial i will show how to get access to the admin account with cmd without a single knowledge of admin password of any computer. I am gonna show you how you can change admin password without knowing the admin password of the computer you are using. You have to follow very simple rules to change the admin password but you have to be very careful while doing this. In this tutorial each step is described briefly. It will take only five minutes to perform this task.
This will not take more than five minutes. So if you are ready for the 5 minutes tutorials follow the steps below. It only works with windows 7,8 system. It is little bit difficult on linux operating system since linux is designed for security purpose so it makes difficult to change linux admin password.
Follow the steps to change admin password. If cmd is asking for password then follow the below step to run command prompt as administrator. Cmd will open as shown below. NOTE:- cmd should run as administrator otherwise you will not have full access to cmd. If you want to run the cmd as adminstrator. You can also go to Control Panel to change your account password if necessary. Method below would enable you to get command prompt without login.
Operations below would be a little complicated, you can use Windows Password Key to reset Windows 7 password more easily and quickly. Start your computer and press the Power button for at least 5 seconds when you see it saying Starting Windows to force power off your computer. Windows will load necessary files for recovery and fix the problems automatically. Change the File of type option to All Files and locate sethc. Rename this file as a backup, just like "sethc-copy".
Close all the dialogs, click Finish button and computer restarts. When you go to Windows 7 login screen, hit the Shift key 5 times and Command Prompt will be opened. You can reset your password as below. Failed to reset windows 7 password command prompt?
Have password with build-in administrator account?