Corresponding Author E-mail: uttara. Cardiovascular diseases CVD are the major cause of mortality globally, as well as in India. Most of the deaths caused by CVD are sudden and without giving any chance to provide any medical help. To avoid such impulsive accidental deaths precautions are always required. Due to this heart patients require continuous monitoring of certain vital body parameters such as heart rate, pulse rate and electrocardiogram ECG showing current health status clearly.
In this paper we are presenting 3 - tier architecture of our prototype healthcare monitoring system using wireless sensor network WSN which is developed to continuously monitor certain body parameters of patient.
Different biosensors available to measure heart rate, body oxygen level and temperature are attached to Arduino Nano board and recorded signals are sent to server using Node MCU ESP wireless communication.
Data is made available on remote servers for doctors and caregivers using ThingSpeak, an internet of things IOT application. In case of emergency caregivers can be notified using smart phone alerts. The system is useful for cardiac patients and can be used for infant or baby care and elderly care in home and hospitals.
Gogate U, Bakal J. Biomed Pharmacol J ;11 3. These types of cardiovascular diseases need continuous monitoring of certain body parameters which need long hospital stays. In the hospitals patients are monitored continuously by hospital staff using various instruments like bedside monitors. These instruments are bulky and immobile and thus keep patients stick to the bed. Their wired connections are very uncomfortable to patients and medical staff also.
Due to mounting hospital costs and shortage of qualified healthcare professionals it is difficult to continuously monitor the essential body parameters of the patients suffering from CVD. In this paper, we introduce a health monitoring system consisting of a wearable device that will continuously monitor the health of patient. This wearable device consists of different sensors such as temperature sensor and heart rate sensor.
The device will collect the data in form of bio signals from sensors and send it to hospital server for further storage and processing using wireless communication. This data will be available to the doctors on server from any location using IOT application.
We have made a prototype of an automated health monitoring system based on 3 — tier architecture of Wireless Body Area Network WBAN comprising various sensors for monitoring cardiac patients in ICU of hospital. The remaining paper is as follows. Section II describes some of the existing systems and shortcomings of those systems. Section III describes proposed system details. Results and conclusion are given in section IV and V respectively. In most of the hospitals health professionals use heart rate monitoring systems using manual methods to measure ECG by connecting lids to the chest of patient.
The graph of ECG is monitored on the bedside monitor or special monitoring devices. These devices are wired and bulky and do not support long distance communication.
The systems have many disadvantages like requirement of costly hospital stays which is not affordable for longer periods, needs expert monitoring and high cost maintenance. Current advances lead to automation of heart rate and ECG measurement using different methods. Many authors have reviewed the state of art systems available for monitoring different vital body parameters like temperature, ECG, heart rate, pulse rate and galvanic skin response GSR. In 8 authors proposed heart attack detection system using ZigBee heart rate monitoring and alert system.
Many researchers have done extensive studies on use of mobile phones in healthcare and medical practices. This study illuminates the use of inbuilt applications like location enabled services of smartphones like GPS which is used for location monitoring of old age patient with instabilities. Much advancement can be done in these systems to make them more accurate, reliable, cost effective and wearable using biosensors.
In hospitals and in homes cardiac patients can be monitored using healthcare monitoring system based on wireless sensor networks.
The focus of our work is on continuous monitoring of cardiac patients in hospital especially in ICU and in homes using healthcare monitoring system based on wireless sensor networks. The proposed system is based on 3-tier wireless body area network WBAN architecture. The detail explanation of components used in each tier of WABN is given in the block diagram of our proposed system Fig 2 which explains the construction of all the three tiers and the in between communications.
The proposed system architecture consists of three tiers. The data acquired through the sensors is processed and transmitted through control unit. Tier-2 is the intermediate receiving unit which acquires the forwarded data. It is also responsible for storage, processing and displaying the data. Tier-3 is concerned with alert systems and data transmission to longer distances through appropriate internet services.
The kind of communications taking place at each tier of the system is as shown in fig 1 and fig 2. Click here to View figure. We have designed and implemented a healthcare monitoring system for cardiac patients to monitor significant body parameters of patient inside hospital as well as in home. The sensor data is in the form of analog signals and to be converted into digital form using inbuilt circuits of Arduino board which collects and processes sensor data for further communication.
For further use and storage it is then send to server using suitable wireless communication. Fig 1 shows the 3-tier architecture of proposed system. In our proposed system ESP is used to convey sensor data to server using wireless communication.
For medical applications also this Zigbee is widely used. The Zigbee can communicate with the devices of about 1km. The other network is GSM network. This can be operated from any distance to any point of control.
The communication is done with the help of local network support. This can get communicated to any part of the world which the network of the local system is applicable. Here we are using for the hospital communication for monitoring the patient. In case of emergency and dangerous situations we have to alert the doctor immediately. For this we are using a Zigbee based network for doctor to patient communication in the hospital and even to communicate and indicate the status of the patient through SMS.
This way of communication is actually done with Zigbee network topology and with the GSM network. Each patient will be given this module and with the help of this module the patient health condition is monitored and if there is any change in the condition of the heath then it immediately sends that changed data through Zigbee to the local system where the main module is connected to the computer to maintain the status of the patient.
The same information is transfer as message to GSM to the corresponding or the relevant person. The heart beat is monitored with the pulse rate of the body. The high intensity light sensor senses the expansion and contraction of the heart with the help of the nerves. That beam will transmit the signal to the receiver and the minuet change in the pulse is noticed as the heart beat.
If there is any change in the pulses then it is noticed as the change in the heart and then the controller will get a disturbed pulse count which indicates the fault or malfunction of the heart. The controller is fixed for a no. If there is any change in the any of the pulse count then it considers as a malfunction of the heart and then it transmits the pulse count with the patients ID to the doctor in the hospital and at the same to it sends a sms to a fixed number in the microcontroller.
This is convenient process to monitor the patients health conditions form any of the distance we present.
Since we are using both the networks like Zigbee and GSM this makes the user to communicate for internal system and as well as to the longer distances. After that we are adding another two sensors for human.
Parameters of body heat and blood pressure were acquired practically for experiment. Measured the body heat through lm35 temperature sensor And blood pressure is mesaured with omron blood-pressure meter. We are using both the networks like Zigbee and GSM this makes the user to communicate for internal system and as well as to the longer distances. The main aim of the project is to detect the a live human. Here to detect the human beings we use the pir sensor.
This pir sensor can detect the infrared rays released by human body motion within the detection area. In this paper a new pressure sensor-based electronic device for the analysis of lung sounds has been designed and prototyped.
The device allows the effective auscultation, the accurate processing and the detailed visualization temporal and frequency graphs of any lung sound. Moreover it is suitable for the continuous real-time monitoring of breathing functions, resulting very useful to diagnose respiratory pathologies.