South park babies addicted to crack

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Dean Howland : We do. Dean Howland : not own slaves, and we have no desire to own slaves. Eric Cartman : But of course you own slaves, because, oh Eric Cartman : Of couse you don't have desire to own slaves, son, neither do I. And if there was any government agency listenin' in on this heah conversation, they should know that we'er not talkin' 'bout slave ownership.

Eric Cartman : Alright, so now, how do you get around not paying your slaves. Dean Howland : Get out! This is a prestigious university and I am not saying one more word to you! Eric Cartman : You think you can do whatever you want 'cause your corporation is a university?

Eric Cartman : This country was founded on the idea that one corporation couldn't hog all the slaves, while the rest of us wallow in poverteh! Screw you sahr, I'm goin' home! Sign In. South Park. Animation Comedy. Feeling guilty after watching another commercial about helpless children set to Sarah McLachlan singing, Kyle volunteers and is shocked to find Cartman helping crack babies at the hospital a Read all Feeling guilty after watching another commercial about helpless children set to Sarah McLachlan singing, Kyle volunteers and is shocked to find Cartman helping crack babies at the hospital already.

Kyle gets drawn into Cartman's despicable plot, thinking he can also help the crac Kyle gets drawn into Cartman's despicable plot, thinking he can also help the crack babies. Director Trey Parker. Trey Parker Matt Stone. Top credits Director Trey Parker. South Park Archives Explore. The Return of Covid. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Crack Babies. View source.

History Talk 0. Background Cartman sees a commercial featuring Sarah McLachlan about babies addicted to crack. When the association goes to the EA Sports headquarters to receive their money, the head of the company Mr. Peters screws them out of the deal and reveals to them that EA gets all of the money and the CBAA gets nothing, causing Kyle to be unable to build the orphanage. However, at the end of the episode, the orphanage has been built anyways, though it was never revealed who paid for it to be built.

However, it was implied to be Slash.


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