I at my desk. I usually sit at the same desk in class every day. Ali speak Arabic. Every test contains additional questions in the Reading or Listeningsection. At the end of testing, all notes are collected and destroyed at the test Listen and repeat. For each word, write ,lfor lll sound l or SEC , Score 2 for correctness. Total 30 Your total for Part A: 4. Score 50 for content.
Score 50 for correctness. Your total for Part B: Your total for Issue 1: 5. Total 19 Section 2 On the picture in Section 1, write the names of the six rooms, in the correct places. Total 6 6. Total 10 Section 4 Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Last Monday afternoon Jane be in the kitchen. She cook some chips. While she heat some oil in a pan, the telephone ring. When she hear the telephone, she go to answer it, but she forget about the oil.
It be her friend, Kelly, on the phone. While she talk to Kelly, the oil catch fire. When Jane see the fire, she run into the kitchen. Then Jane do the wrong thing. She open the back door and pick up the pan.
But as she take the pan outside, she burn her hand and she drop the oil. Jane be very lucky, because the burning oil miss her. But remember: fire is dangerous.
When oil catches fire, throw a damp towel over it. Don't pick up the pan. Score 1 for each correct verb. Total 20 Section 5 Complete this story with the following words. Theywere watching the English ships. He was watching the ,too. It was a day, but the were still happy. Their ships were to fight the French.
But as the ships were sailing Southsea Castle a happened. The wind very hard and the King's favourite ship, the Mary Rose, over and.
The stayed at the of the sea for four hundred years. Then in made a special forthe ship and it with a giant. While theywere lifting it, of the cradle. But the engineers it. Now you can see the Mary Rose in a special in Portsmouth. Total 27 7. A policeman interviewed a witness.
Look at these answers. What were the policeman's questions? A B Mrs Johnson. A B 14 Green Street. A B Outside the supermarket. A B I was talking to my friend. A B No, I didn't see it, but I heard a crash. A B I telephoned for an ambulance.
Score 1 for content. Use these cues to help you. Total 10 Section 2 Write these numbers in full. Total 20 Section 3 Complete the sentences.
Use these words. C is than A. Oxford is than Birmingham. Vicky's picture is than Jane's. Kelly's picture is. Record Breakers is than Dallas. Record Breakers is Score 1 for appropriate adjective. Score 1 for correctness. Total 42 It is in North America. C 2 This is the sixth largest country in the world.
It is an English-speaking country and it is in the southern hemisphere. A 3 This is the largest country in South America.
It is on the equator. B 4 This is the largest country in the world. Part of it is in Europe and part of it is in Asia. The 5 This is the largest continent in the world. A 6 This is the smallest country in the world. It is in Italy. TheV 7 This is the coldest place in the northern hemisphere. The 8 Our heat comes from this. The Score 1 for each correct answer. Total 8 Section 5 Complete this text. The American man is cm tall and the average American is cm tall.
But males are always taller than females. Girls fasterthan boys, and at the of twelve the average girl is and heavier than the average.
The tallest man ever in the was Robert Wadlow. He was cm tall. The tallest woman ever wasZeng Jinlian China. Whenshediedin she cm tall. Giants like Robert Wadlow Zeng Jinlian do not have happy lives. Some are easier for them. Robert Wadlow could a ceiling or change a bulb a ladder. But a lot of things were more. He could not travel on buses, and he a special car, too. He could see at the cinema, but he was not very popular.
The people behind him could not the film. Giants do not live long. Robert Wadlow was only 23, when he. Zeng Jinlian was only Total 20 Your total for Part A: And when it is summer in the northern hemisphere it is winter in the southern hemisphere. Explain why. Use diagrams to illustrate your answer. Your total for Part B: Your total for Issue 3: Score 1 for each correct answer.
Total 10 Jenny Dad? Mr Smith Yes, Jenny. Jenny Will we be here next Friday? Mr Smith Friday? We're going to your Grandma's, I think. Jenny No, that's the week after. Mr Smith What date is it next Friday?
Jenny It's the 18th. Mr Smith Oh, well, you're right then, because we're going to your Grandma's on the 25th. Jenny I've got an invitation to Phil Clark's birthday party. Can I go? Mr Smith What time does it start? Jenny Eight o'clock.
Mr Smith OK, but you must be home at eleven. Where does Phil live? Jenny Collingwood Road. Number Thanks, Dad. Total 20 Section 7 Complete the recipe with these words. Total 18 Your total for Part A: Carol and herfriends are going to do some jobs for her. Look at this list. Say what the people have and haven't done. Total 30 Section 2 Complete these sentences with since or for. Ithink he's lost. Total 6 She have it forten years now. Score 1 for correct tense. Score 1 for correct form.
Total 20 Section 4 Read this story. Johnny Ball, England's youngest football manager, is thirty-five today. He and his wife, Marie, live in a beautiful old house near Birmingham. Johnny played for Birmingham City Football Club for ten years and he's been the manager there for five years now. In total he has played for three football clubs. He was born in Scotland, but when he was five years old his parents moved to Newcastle in the North of England.
When he left school at the age of fifteen, he started with the local team, Newcastle United. Jane It He Bell, the doctor's cook. They had a Kate How many issues do you do? Her name was Kizzy. Jane We Kate Which issue are you doing now? He wrote a book about his family. The book was 'Roots'. Kate What is it about? Jane It Score 1 for each correct word. Kate What is it called? Kate wants a job. She is at a magazine office. Jane You She is talking to the editor, Tony Cass.
Read their conversation. Tony We write a magazine for young people. Come Score 1 forcontent. You can meet the team. This is Jane. Score 2 for correctness. Kate Hello, Jane. Jane Hi. Total 30 Tony Jane's a reporter. And this is Colin. He's the art editor. He'll tell you more about the magazine.
Colin The magazine is called'Cool Cat'. We do one issue a month. Part B Describe yourself. Score 50 for content. Score 50 for correctness. Total 19 Score 1 for each correct word. Section 3 Section 5 Put in on, in, or at.
Complete this story with the following words. Theywere watching the 9 English ships. He was watching the ,too. It was a day, but the were still Score 1 for each correct preposition. Their ships were to fight the Total 10 French. Section 4 But as the ships were sailing Southsea Castle a happened. The wind Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in very hard and the King's favourite ship, the Mary Rose, brackets.
Last Monday afternoon Jane be in the kitchen. She cook some chips. The stayed at the of the sea for While she heat some oil in four hundred years. Then in a pan, the telephone ring. When she hear made a special forthe the telephone, she go to ship and it with a giant. While answer it, but she forget about the oil. It be her friend, Kelly, on the phone. While But the engineers it. Now you can see she talk to Kelly, the oil the Mary Rose in a special in Portsmouth.
When Jane see Score 1 for each correct word. Then Jane do the wrong thing. She open Total 27 the back door and pick up the pan.
But as she take the pan outside, she burn her hand and she drop the oil. Jane be very lucky, because the burning oil miss her. But remember: fire is dangerous. When oil catches fire, throw a damp towel over it.
Don't pick up the pan. Section 6 Part B Yesterday there was an accident in the High street. Write a newspaper story about an accident. Use these A policeman interviewed a witness. Look at these cues to help you. What were the policeman's questions? B Outside the supermarket. A B I was talking to my friend. A B No, I didn't see it, but I heard a crash. Section 1 Complete each of these expressions with a suitable word.
Score 2 for each correct number. Use these words. Oxford is than Birmingham. Vicky's picture is than Jane's. Kelly's picture is. C is thanB. The cassette recorder is than the stereo. The stereo is. Record Breakers is than Dallas. Rome is Score 1 for appropriate adjective. Score 1 for correctness. Section 4 Section 5 Names these places. Complete this text. It is in The American man is cm tall and North America. C But males are always taller than females.
It is an Girls fasterthan boys, and at the of English-speaking country and it is in the southern hemisphere. It is on the equator. The tallest man ever in the was Robert B Wadlow. He was cm tall. The tallest woman ever 4 This is the largest country in the world. Part of it is in wasZeng Jinlian China. Whenshediedin Europe and part of it is in Asia. A 6 This is the smallest country in the world. It is in Italy. Some are easier for them. Robert TheV Wadlow could a ceiling or change a bulb 7 This is the coldest place in the northern hemisphere.
The a ladder. But a lot of things were more. He could not wear ordinary 8 Our heat comes from this. He could not travel on buses, The and he a special car, too. He could Score 1 for each correct answer. Total 8 popular. The people behind him could not the film. Giants do not live long. Robert Wadlow was only 23, when he. Zeng Jinlian was only Part B When it is winter in the northern hemisphere it is summer in the southern hemisphere.
And when it is summer in the northern hemisphere it is winter in the southern hemisphere. Explain why. Use diagrams to illustrate your answer. Section 6 Section 7 Read this conversation and complete the invitation. Complete the recipe with these words. Jenny Dad? We're going to your Grandma's, I think. Jenny No, that's the week after.
Mr Smith What date is it next Friday? Jenny It's the 18th. Mr Smith Oh, well, you're right then, because we're going to your Grandma's on the 25th. Jenny I've got an invitation to Phil Clark's birthday party.
Can I go? Mr Smith What time does it start? Jenny Eight o'clock. Mr Smith OK, but you must be home at eleven. Where does Phil live? Jenny Collingwood Road. Number Thanks, Dad. Part A Section 1 Carol's Mum is ill.
Carol and herfriends are going to do some jobs for her. Look at this list. Say what the people have and haven't done. Username or email: Password: Remember me. Forgot my password. Check my answers. Email my answers to my teacher. Simple past by Grassi. Christmas word search by nkocijan.
Past simple tense by jecika.