International journal of quality and reliability management pdf

Quazi et al. Kunst et al. Guilhon et al. Tamimi and Sebstianelli 2. Corbett 3. Lloyd-Walker and 3. Zantanidis and 3. Wong 3. Lloyd-Walkerand Cheung Tsiotras 4. Dahlgaard et al. Cheung 4. Martinez-Lorente et al. Jayaram and 5. Aziz et al. Huq and Stolen Ahire 6. Grandzol 5. Solis et al. Ruggieri and Merli 8. Ismail et al. Grandzol 8. Thiagarajan and 9. Wilson 7. Terziovski and Zairi Yoo Dean 9.

Handfield et al. Huq and Stolen 9. Wilson Tamimi Grandzol Yoo continued Table V. Rungtusanatham 1. Sohal 1. Rho and 1. Small et al. Mohr-Jackson Yung-Muk 2. Lefebvre and 2. Mohr-Jackson 3. Forza and Filippini 2. Small Lefebvre 3. Choi and Eboch 3. Crosby and LeMay 4. Forza and Filippini 5. Ismail et al.. HRM Sako 1. Buckley et al. Godard 3. Sako GM 1.

Adebanjo and Cooper 1. Lin Adebanjo and Kehoe Kehoe 2. Monks 2. Pavett and Whitney 3. Wagar and Rondeau SI Anderson et al. Beaumont and 1. Brannstrom-Stenberg and 1.

Mandal et al. Lee and Palmer 1. Germain and Sohal Deleryd 2. Lee et al. Beattie and Spears 2. Neergaard 2. Van der Wiele and 3. Lin et al. McAdam and McKeown 4. McAdam and 3. McAdam and Brown 4. Batley 4. McKeown McKeown 3. Sim and Curatola 5. Yusof and Aspinwall 5. Rapley et al.

Ismail and 6. Elmuti and Kathwala 6. Elmuti and 5. Kristensen et al. Hashmi 7. Ennis and Harrington Kathwala 6.

Natarajan et al. Yusof and 8. Millen et al. Sun 7. Hoffman and Aspinwall 9. Sun 9. Abraham et al. Mehra 8. Elmuti and Anderson and 8. Wong et al. Kathawala Ennis and Harrington Sun Yeung and Chan Cheng and Chan Adebanjo and 1.

Adebanjo and Kehoe 1. Samson and Avella Kehoe 2. Lahndt Terziovski 2. Prasad et al. Pritchard and Armistead 2. Dow et al. Pritchard and 3. Kadipasaoglu Armistead 4. HRM 1. Orr 1. Fletcher 1. Wood Gore 2. Fletcher 2. Hoque 2. Geary 3. Smith and Hayton 4. Purcell et al. Michele 6. Rees 7. Hoque 8. Coyle-Shapiro GM Lee et al. Dube et al. Soriano 2. Meyer et al. Breiter et al. Eklof and 1. Bilich and Neto 1.

Vermeulen and 1. Hackl et al. Gronholdt et al. Selivanova 2. Theodorakioglou and Selivanova Crous 2. Sun b 2. Martensen et al. Longo and Cox Tsiotras 2. Corbett and 2. Appleby and 3. Douglas and Glen 3. Dickenson et al. Ngowi Rastrick Mavin 4. Tan et al. Al-Khalifa and 4.

Prabhu and 3. Eskildsen and Aspinwall 5. Al-Khalifa and Aspinwall Robson Dahlgaard 5. Zhang et al. Appleby and 4. Eskildsen and 6.

Yusof and 7. Kanji and Wallace Mavin Nussler b Aspinwall 5. Yarrow et al. Agus and 6. Abdullah 7. Longbottom 8. Agus 8. Sun a 9. Sun b Sohal and Terziovski Kunst and Jos Agus Parzinger and Nath Kanji and Wallace Edvardsson et al. Eskildsen and Dahlgaard continued Table V. Theyel 1. Krumwiede and Lavelle 1. Ahire and Power and Sohal Lima et al. McAdam et al. Woon 2. Ahire Dreyfus 3. Lima et al. Samson and Ford 4. Theyel 5. Kane 2.

Whitfield GM Tata et al. Dellana and Hauser et al. Ravichandran Ravichandran and Rai 1. Ravichandran 1. Das et al.

Ravichandran 2. Wilson and Collier 3. De Toni and Nassimbeni 4. Curkovic et al. Articles classified and research listed under this objective see Table V included those that identified the critical factors of TQM by surveying a sample of companies. Most of these articles employed factor analysis as a statistical method to derive these factors. Others used descriptive statistics to assess the extent of adoption of these factors in the surveyed companies.

Even if the main focus of the article was not the critical TQM factors, it was listed under this category if it took a holistic approach to TQM and covered these factors. This is not surprising given that other types of journals such as HRM and FA would be expected to have a less integrated approach to TQM, focusing mostly on quality issues related to their respective areas.

However, industry-specific journals such as those related to HM and HT had only a few survey articles published in this category of the six objectives. In fact, the number of TQM-related survey studies that were published in these journals between and has been rather low across all the six categories of objectives used in this paper.

More interesting to observe, however, was the very small number of TQM survey articles published in marketing journals only three over this period see Tables I and III. Articles placed in this category included those that dealt with issues related to the implementation of TQM such as obstacles to TQM, and country factors e. The increase in the use of such award models for self-assessment by many companies in recent years has also led to an increase in published research on these models.

Increasingly, many quality management researchers are using these award models as frameworks for their studies or as the main focus of their analysis.

Therefore, their use for self-assessment purposes by companies or as a framework for analysis by researchers should not create big disparities in the development of TQM. As can be seen from Table V, although almost non-existent between and , survey research related to the implementation of TQM increased in The increasing use of statistical methods in the literature such as path analysis and latent variable models for such analysis is also notable.

TQM's impact on the bottom line has been an area of concern for some companies. Although some companies reported a number of benefits that accrued from the implementation of TQM, others did not, labeling the philosophy as just another fad.

However, some authors attributed such TQM failures to the mistakes in or obstacles to its implementation. In addition, the fact that the time horizon to realize these benefits is rather long around two to five years has discouraged many companies from pursuing and sustaining the long-term view approach required by this philosophy of continuous improvement.

An analysis of Table V reveals that research in this area started to increase in and reached its peak in As mentioned before, the TQM survey literature seems to have intensified its focus on the effect of the TQM factors on performance in recent years in search of the realized outcomes and the significant factors that bring about those outcomes.

However, an analysis of the results of these studies shows that there are no distinctive patterns in the way in which these factors affect performance. For instance, studies including Ahire et al. However, Wilson and Collier reported that top management commitment was not related to financial results, and Li reported that this factor was not related to service quality performance. Similar conflicting results across studies could also be observed with other TQM factors.

Therefore, more survey research is needed to investigate the relationship between TQM and firm performance. The new studies should take into account the effects of organizational context and environmental factors that may, in fact, be the underlying reasons for the differences in the findings of the previous studies. The importance of Investigation of effective human resource management for the proper implementation TQM survey and success of TQM is indisputable.

Accordingly, Table II shows that research the human resource management aspects of TQM such as training, employee involvement and teamwork had a large amount of coverage in the survey-based TQM literature. Table V shows that until only a few survey studies were published that analyzed human resource management within the context of TQM, but this number started to increase in According to Table V, survey research in this area started in In general, ISO certification has been considered as a phase that companies need to reach before they move on to become TQM companies.

The survey studies that we analyzed in this category explored various issues such as the following: comparisons and links between ISO and TQM; the benefits of ISO and its effect on organizational performance; the human resource aspects of ISO ; and issues related to the implementation of ISO in certain countries.

So far, most of the survey research in this area has been published in POM journals in and in QM journals in The articles that did not fit under any of the above five objectives were included under this category.

In addition, some of the articles that focused on a specific objective such as the identification of the critical factors of TQM but also covered other issues related to TQM in detail that did not fit under any of the other objectives were listed here as well.

The relatively small number of articles 45 out of listed under this category shows that the use of the six categories of objectives to classify the TQM survey research between is warranted. However, in , survey research that examined the relationship between TQM and performance has well exceeded those in the other two categories.

This may be an indication of a shift of interest of survey researchers from what constitutes TQM and how it is implemented to how well it works. Future directions for research A review of the survey based TQM research published between and revealed that the majority of the survey studies were published in QM and POM journals.

The rate of growth of the number of these studies was dramatic until in both types of journals, but this growth in the number of survey research that appeared in QM journals remained steady thereafter. Other observations on the TQM survey research published between and and suggestions for future survey research are as follows: 1 TQM studies in hospitality and tourism and health care management.

Our research showed that the journals that are geared toward the two important service sectors, hospitality and tourism and health care management, had an insufficient amount of TQM survey research.

Although there were a few survey studies that appeared in QM journals that studied TQM specifically in health care organizations, TQM studies on the hospitality industry, and especially those on hotels Breiter and Bloomquist, and health care organizations Li, mostly involved the use of case studies and the personal prescriptions of researchers and were therefore not included in the analysis.

In addition, whether survey-based or not, quality management research in the hospitality industry in particular has taken a less holistic approach to TQM, mostly focusing on the human resource management aspect of TQM e. Orly, ; Partlow, ; Hoque, Although it is true that this aspect of TQM plays a very important role in service organizations, other factors of TQM such as process management and quality information and performance measurement are also critical elements that must be examined within the context of hospitality and tourism as demonstrated by Camison and Soriano , as well as within the context of health care management Nwabueze, Therefore, we suggest that more holistic TQM survey studies be conducted in these sectors.

Although the assessment and the measurement of quality management in services may seem more difficult because of the intangible nature of services Parasuraman et al. However, Ritz- Investigation of Carlton, a hotel company, did not conform to this general perception of TQM survey quality management held by the hospitality industry and reaped the research benefits of having an intense quality focus. The company won the award a second time in , and, so far, it is the only hospitality organization to win this honor.

Although the hotel industry is a very people-oriented industry, Ritz-Carlton uses many of the quality control principles used by manufacturing companies in manufacturing and improving their products. Although some of the studies analyzed in this paper dealt with TQM specifically within the context of services e. Harrington, ; Li, ; Terziovski and Dean, ; Meyer et al.

Thus, it would be interesting to conduct more survey studies and see how much progress the service sector has made in terms of implementing TQM in recent years. In addition, the applicability of various TQM implementation models to service companies could be examined in more detail.

Given that the service sector makes up a bigger percentage of the economies of many developed countries than the manufacturing sector, an increasing focus on TQM in services would be warranted. The use of these models for self-assessment may reveal that a complete overhaul of corporate culture is needed to adapt to these practices.

The lack of a systematic and standard approach to the use of these self-assessment models and the unpredictability of what companies might expect from this process may cause them to shy away from going through such an undertaking. Therefore, the implementation of TQM must be preceded by a well-designed self-assessment methodology to detect the critical points for improvement and avoid making big mistakes during the implementation process.

There is a lack of published research on the experiences of various companies that went through the self-assessment process using award models such as the MBNQA and EFQM.

It would be interesting to examine these companies' 19,7 experiences with self-assessment and the reasons for their eventual failure in implementing TQM. It is true that some studies analyzed the reasons for TQM failures but not within the context of award models. Because of a lack of a universally accepted TQM model, many companies are putting their faith in these models and using them as guidelines.

Therefore, more research is needed on the use of these award models to increase their credibility as effective approaches to achieve performance excellence. Thus, more survey research evidence is needed to see how countries around the world compare to each other in terms of their understanding and implementation of TQM practices.

More such studies can help answer questions about whether a contingency approach to TQM is indeed warranted or not. For instance, it would be interesting to examine the role of country factors e. This has become especially more important with the increasing globalization of the world markets and has important implications for the TQM activities of today's global companies operating in various countries.

As can be seen in Table II, survey articles that dealt with issues related to quality systems to some extent, particularly ISO , have been classified under the quality systems heading.

Since the ISO standards have been vastly modified in the sixth edition now called ISO to include eight quality management principles, it is most likely that the lines between research examining ISO and that examining TQM will probably blur where each will borrow the concepts and philosophies underlying the other. Future survey research in this area may involve the following objectives:.

The implementation Investigation of approach is important in that many companies allocate their TQM survey resources to the implementation of these programs without having a research true understanding of what their impact will be. If they are both implemented, does the order in which they are implemented have any implications for a company's performance outcomes? If so, what are they? New studies should explore these issues to gain a more in- depth understanding of various implementation approaches.

This could help companies to not only reduce their implementation costs but obtain better business results as well. Development and testing of models that involve the systematic and effective implementation of ISO and TQM simultaneously. This category of the future directions for research section involves our observations concerning limited research on certain TQM factors.

However, most of these articles did not analyze these TQM factors exclusively. Their coverage of issues related to these factors was very brief for the most part as compared to the other factors of TQM such as leadership, employee involvement and customer satisfaction. Therefore, we believe that more survey research is needed to examine the following issues dealing with these five factors:.

Strategic quality planning. There were only a few survey articles that examined the importance of the integration of the strategic planning process with the quality management practices of a company in detail. For instance, survey research could be conducted to examine how TQM companies tie their strategic planning processes into their competitive environment, customer and market needs, technological and other important changes and supplier management.

In addition, how are these strategies developed and deployed to achieve the objectives set? What is the effect of effective strategic planning on organizational performance? Product and service design. Survey studies in this area may involve 19,7 an investigation of the coordination and the effectiveness of product and service design processes in companies and the role played by these processes in improving product and service quality, customer satisfaction, financial and operational performance and so on.

In addition, the design approaches taken by both TQM and non-TQM manufacturing and service companies in new product and service development can be analyzed and compared to identify those processes that yield the best results. Some of the country studies analyzed in this paper found that communication plays an important role in the successful implementation of TQM.

Although communication was mentioned as an important factor in the effective implementation of TQM in many of the studies analyzed here, only three articles Buckley et al. Increasingly, the Internet is affecting not only the nature of business transactions but the collection, sharing and the communication of data and information as well.

Social responsibility. This TQM factor includes an organization's responsibility for good public citizenship and involves the protection of public and employee health, safety and the environment. Employee appraisal, rewards, and recognition. According to Deming , the use of rating and merit systems is not fair and can work against a company, because these systems label only a few employees winners and may encourage unwanted, harmful competition within the company.

Deming argues that most of the causes of low quality and low productivity are inherent in the system and are not created by employees. If the system in which people work is predictable, the deviation in the employees' performance levels will diminish in the long term. However, the TQM survey literature does not have enough evidence to either support or reject this Deming view.

Although the use of employee appraisal, rewards, and recognition systems have been mentioned briefly in of the survey articles analyzed in this paper, only a few of the articles analyzed them in detail within the context of TQM.

It would be interesting to see what kinds of experiences companies have had with these systems. Did they have a positive impact on employee performance? How were the relationships among employees affected? What is the extent to which these systems affect employee satisfaction, employee performance, teamwork, customer relationships and organizational performance?

Conclusions In this paper, we examined the state of TQM survey research by analyzing the survey articles published between and in various types of journals. An examination of 76 survey studies that used an integrated approach to TQM showed that the TQM factors can be grouped under 25 names as listed previously.

An analysis of the survey articles published between and using these 25 factors as a framework revealed that the most frequently covered TQM factors in the literature were customer focus and satisfaction, employee training, leadership and top management commitment, teamwork, employee involvement, continuous improvement and innovation, and quality information and performance measurement, respectively. In addition, many of the articles dealt with issues related to process management including process control and product and service design to a certain degree, as well as supplier management, communication and strategic planning.

However, five of these factors including strategic planning, communication, product and service design, employee appraisal and rewards, and social responsibility were not covered exclusively by most of the studies.

In addition, the other factors that received relatively low coverage in the TQM survey literature, including benchmarking, employee empowerment, employee satisfaction, flexibility, quality assurance, zero defects, quality culture, quality systems, and just-in-time, can be examined further within a TQM context. Thus, more survey studies must be conducted to better understand the extent to which these factors contribute to the TQM activities of companies.

Depending on the type of journal, the number of TQM survey publications have either leveled off or decreased in the past few years, which may suggest that TQM survey research may be at a junction where new directions need to be taken by TQM researchers.

In fact, this is especially necessary as far as those studies examining the TQM factors-performance linkages are concerned. This is because the various studies conducted in this area have so far yielded conflicting results, and the true nature of these relationships can only be assessed by longitudinal studies, which we have not found between and A total of of the articles analyzed were one-country studies conducted in different regions of the world including North America, Europe, Australasia, Asia, Africa, South America and the Middle East.

There were only three Investigation of studies found in each of the remaining regions. Thus, more studies must TQM survey be conducted in these regions to examine the extent to which TQM research practices are implemented by companies located there. It would be of interest for today's global companies to have more information about the nature of these activities and whether these activities differ from those in their home country. Such potential differences may have important decision-making implications for companies operating in different parts of the world.

As mentioned before, one of the studies that examined TQM literature is that by Ahire et al. In this study, the authors analyzed a total of overview, conceptual, case study, empirical, analytical and simulation articles from the TQM literature published between and using the seven MBNQA criteria as a framework.

Thus, one of the strengths of this study was that it examined the articles using six different orientations. The study clearly demonstrated that there was a lack of empirical research especially survey research during this period.

Given that there is no compiled information about survey based research, our study attempted to examine the progress of TQM survey research since its emergence. The total number of journals that were used in Ahire et al. In addition, our recommendations are discussed in much more detail. Just like Ahire et al. However, unlike Ahire et al. In this paper, we analyzed 76 such studies to come up with 25 most commonly extracted factors that were consequently used as a framework to analyze a total of TQM survey studies.

This study had a narrow focus in that it only examined those articles that argued that TQM was beneficial to companies and those that argued that it was not.

The article also provided a comparative summary table of 15 survey studies that analyzed the link between TQM practices and performance. Limitations Although we have been thorough in our search for survey-based researches in the area of TQM, there are, however, some limitations that can be attributed to this study. This section discusses these limitations:.

Only survey-based research studies have been analyzed, and all other types of research such as case and theory based studies, as well as individual observations, etc. Only English publications in four databases were searched, which may have resulted in the omission of some relevant articles published in journals not included in these databases, as well as in other languages. The focus of this study was on business-related databases and journals, and thus, other disciplines such as social sciences were excluded from this research.

Each of the articles analyzed gave different weights to the coverage of the 25 factors listed in Table IV. For instance one paper may have devoted the whole article to top management commitment whereas another just mentioned it briefly. Therefore, using solely these totals in the analysis may not truly be reflective of the scope or the comprehensiveness of these factors' coverage in the literature. References Abraham, M. Adam, E. Jr, Corbett, L. Adebanjo, D.

Agus, A. Ahire, S. Al-Faraj, T. Al-Khalifa, K. Anderson, M. Anderson, J. Anderson, R. Appleby, A. Avella, L. Aziz, Z. Badri, A. Barad, M. Batley, T. Thus, shop floor…. Acceptance sampling plans are a decision-making process on the basis of a randomly selected sampling from a party, where it is not possible to completely scan the products…. Software testing is needed to produce extremely reliable software products. A crucial decision problem that the software developer encounters is to ascertain when to….

The study aims to examine the connection between practices of total quality management TQM and sustainability in Malaysia food and beverages companies FBC. Digital voice-of-customer digital VoC analysis is gaining much attention in the field of quality management.

Digital VoC can be a great source of knowledge about…. Successful risk management is influential in different phases of construction projects. It can play a critical role in reducing the possibility of claims as well as…. The meddling of foreign players into the Indian hotel industry has triggered fervent competitiveness, and therefore, consumers' attitude, intention and behavior have been….

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The disruptions caused by new-age technologies of Industry 4. An apparel supply chain primarily consists of geographically distant suppliers, manufacturers and retailers.

The coordination among the members of the supply chain becomes…. This research paper aims to analyze the critical barriers to implementing digitalization in the Indian construction industry as Indian construction companies are lagging…. This paper aims to present and discuss an innovative maturity model MM to assess supply chain quality management SCQM.

The goal of this work is to clarify seven useful DMAIC Analyze phase options for developing process improvement opportunities required for successful projects. This study aims to review and organize the research articles which focused on the impact of COVID pandemic in the supply chain SC domain through a bibliometric and…. The main components of resiliency, including resilience capacities, resilience activities and resilience measures, are identified, extracted and redefined by designing….

As COVID outbreak has created a global crisis, treating patients with minimum resources and traditional methods has become a hectic task.

In this technological era, the…. As an alternative to the standard p and np charts along with their various modifications, beta control charts are used in the literature for monitoring proportion data…. This paper aims to develop a system dynamics SD model to identify causal relationships among the elements of failure modes and effects analysis FMEA , i.

The complex processes of global organizations poses significant challenges for the global quality management systems QMSs responsible for their coordination and…. According to United Nations reports, the worldwide population is expected to reach around 9. This forecasting emphasizes the role of phosphate-based…. In certain environments, the system may not fail completely, but undergoes degradation, and the system productivity might decrease.

Meanwhile, at the same time, the system…. Some organizations have been early adopters or later adopters of Industry 4. The purpose of this paper is to investigate…. The purpose of this paper is to offer improvement in routing and collection load decisions for a green logistics system that delivers lunch boxes. This article considers Inverse Gaussian distribution as the basic lifetime model for the test units.

The unknown model parameters are estimated using the method of…. The study aims to design a control chart based on an exponentially weighted moving average EWMA chart of Pearson's residuals of a model of negative binomial regression…. This paper aims to determine the stage of the life cycle where the trucks of a waste collection fleet from a Colombian city are located through a reliability approach.

This paper introduces a Bayesian two-sided group chain sampling plan BT-SGChSP by using binomial distribution to estimate the average proportion of defectives. In this…. The purpose of this study is to obtain the modified maximum likelihood estimator of stress—strength model using the ranked set sampling, to obtain the….

The purpose of this paper is to report a study on analysis of barriers for cyber-physical system CPS adoption in small and medium enterprises SMEs. Although Multi-Layer Ceramic Capacitors MLCC are known for its better frequency performance and voltage handling capacity, but under various environmental conditions…. The purpose of the paper is to analyze reliability characteristics of batch service queuing system with a single server model that envisages Poisson input process and….

The primary objective of this study is to propose a robust multiobjective solution search approach for a mean-variance multiple correlated quality characteristics….

This study aims to look at the performance, communication structure and media choice for swift teams STs formed with the purpose of recovering from operational…. The purpose of this paper is to design a ring network topology system and alter it into a series—parallel type framework.

Then, reliability of the framework is analysed…. Code smells indicate deep software issues. They have been studied by researchers with different perspectives. The need to study code smells was felt from the perspective….

Solar photovoltaic PV is commonly used as a renewable energy source to provide electrical power to customers. This research establishes a method for testing the…. This study presents a lifecycle cost model considering multi-level burn-in for operationally unrepairable systems including assembly and warranty costs.

A numerical method…. This paper aims to explore the drivers of sustainable healthcare supply chain SHCSC performance measurement through extensive literature review and experts' opinions…. The prime aim of this paper is the identification and prioritization of performance indicators, which motivate the development of an Internet of Things IoT -based….

The purpose of the paper is the construction of confidence intervals for the ratio of the values of process capability index C pm for two processes. These confidence…. The industry is relying on the preventive maintenance techniques that can minimize failures and provide industrial plants with effective equipment, but in many companies….

This research work focuses on implementing this methodology in reducing the rejection rate of the turbocharger component problem that occurs during the manufacturing…. The paper aims to assess the influence of process quality management PQM practices on a firm's operational performance OP and investigate the mediating role of a….

The purpose of this paper is to construct a fuzzy logic model that acts as a decision support system to minimize inventory-related costs in the field of industrial…. This study aims to determine the effect of personality on professionalism.

The purpose of this paper is to develop a new software reliability growth model considering different fault distribution function before and after the change point. Organic food market has grown rapidly on a global level and so is the interest of customers. The present paper ranks the factors and sub-criteria which are taken into…. The requirement of high-quality government-supported healthcare services has necessitated the significance of recognizing new management practices to enhance patient….

Manufacturing companies struggle to manage production disturbances. One step of such management deals with prioritising those disturbances which should undergo root cause…. The study examines organizational security culture as the driver of supply chain security SCS practices information management security, facility management security…. The objective of this paper is to investigate, assess and develop a hierarchical model to evaluate the interrelationship of critical success factors CSFs that influence….

No fault found NFF in maintenance has been a frequently observed problem in industrial sectors, but very few academic contributions are devoted to reviewing and…. The main objective of this paper is to investigate the factors affecting customer lifetime value CLV for Internet service providers in Jordan, namely, technical quality…. The aim of this paper is to show the ways of setting quality objectives, their attributes and the conditions under which they can perform a motivational function.

This study examines whether certification improves the dimensions of total quality management TQM and whether the impact of certification is similar across companies of…. This paper proposes a new inventory model with inspection policy because in practice the received orders may contain non- conforming NC items.

So, a buyer who receive an…. This paper aims to presents a novel integrated fuzzy decision support system for analyzing the issues related to failure of a milk process plant unit.

The purpose of this paper is to design a framework for asset data management in power companies. The authors consider asset data management from a strategic perspective….

High-reliability performance and high-hazard are intertwined in High-Reliability Organizations HROs operations; these organizations are highly safe, highly hazardous and…. This manuscript concentrates on addressing the success and failure factors to satisfy the small- and medium-sized enterprises SMEs need when facing challenges during the…. Optimization of resources related to man, money, manpower and those related to organization is critical in context of after-sales supply chains.

Many times, organizational…. The purpose of this article is to compare maintenance policies based on Weibull and q -Weibull models. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between total quality management TQM , employee outcomes and performance. Moreover, how environmental…. Planning an accelerated life test ALT for a product is an important task for reliability practitioners. Traditional methods to create an optimal design of an ALT are….

The purpose of this paper is to develop and operationalize a process for prioritizing supply chain risks that is capable of capturing the value at risk VaR , the maximum…. The present study empirically compares maintenance practices under asset performance management APM , employed by firms in developed and developing countries Belgium and…. Online spiral pipe manufacturing is one of the most common processes for producing water and gas transmission pipes. Weld quality and pipe circumstances are the most….

The purpose of this study is to provide the benchmarking guideline to improve managing maintenance man-hour in producing sorties of fighter jet aircraft in the Korean Air…. This study deals with the reliability analysis of a hybrid series—parallel system consisting of two subsystems A and B with two human operators. Subsystem A has two units…. This paper analyzed a complex system consisting n -identical units under a k-out-of-n: G; configuration via a new method which has not been studied by previous researchers….

The healthcare system has been under pressure to provide timely and quality healthcare. The influx of patients in the emergency departments EDs is testing the capacity…. Kaizen is an umbrella concept for a management philosophy based on a set of principles and values with different tools and techniques that form part of Company-Wide…. There is a scarcity of research about cultural aspects of organization related to lean implementation. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of lean….

The paper aims to explore unavailability of dormant systems that are under both preventive and corrective maintenance. Preventive maintenance is considered as a failure…. The purpose of this paper is to propose a practical framework to measure the safety performance of workers in the Indian construction industry. The key safety performance…. The case study…. The purpose of this paper is to examine how sub-criteria of the European Foundation for Quality Management EFQM model is structurally connected and influence each other….

The study aims to provide a quick-and-robust multifactorial screening technique for early detection of statistically significant effects that could influence a product's…. Killen , Robert A. Hunt , Elko J. Application of real options analysis to technology portfolio planning: a case study Oliver Yu The concepts of real options analysis, which transfer options analysis for financial investments to those involving real properties, such as land and plant facilities….

PDF 64 KB. From models to practice: decision making at portfolio meetings John K. Best practice project portfolio management Robert A. Hunt , Catherine P. ISSN : X. Online date, start — end:


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